Save Money – Buy A Light Bulb!

November 11, 2015

Shopped for light bulbs lately? Who knew that anyone would pine for words like soft, bright and, of all things, watts. Now, instead of the little aisles of old that had bulbs with 15, 45, 65 and 100 watts and choices of regular and 3-way controls, we are faced with a 30’ aisle that has […]

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Wedding: From Buckets to Beautiful

November 1, 2015

My friend’s daughter dreamed of an affordable, elegant, hand-crafted, beach-themed, evening wedding in a vineyard. She asked her father to handle the flowers. To make them affordable he and I decided to use native plants and flowers that we found on the dunes, along road sides and in our beach-side gardens. With a team of […]

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Get Yourself a City Rain Garden

October 26, 2015

Used to be that Highway Departments loved to manage storm water with drainage ditches. They still use them where appropriate but more and more I see highways using more environmentally aware stormwater management techniques. Specifically in DE, PA and CT, I see Rain Gardens, BioSwales, artificially created wetlands, planted with natives, to manage stormwater. Sometimes […]

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Highway Gardening

September 27, 2015

It has taken a pretty long time but native plants are finally being accepted as beautiful landscape plants and flowers – they are still treated like specialty plants in many nurseries with their own little section away from the popular plants. But, as demand increases, that space will grow until it dissolves into the mainstream. […]

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Oh Boy – Air Conditioning is Expensive!

September 12, 2015

Ah, air conditioning!  We experienced a 110.6% increase in electricity consumption because July/Aug was so darned hot and because, contrary to the norm at our house, we ran the A/C….. apparently we ran it all the time!  Although we reveled in the cool, dry air, we paid the bill very grudgingly.  Needless to say the […]

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A Mysterious Little Black Can

September 8, 2015

On a recent recycling day a little black desk waste can showed up in front of our house. No one claimed it so we left it there. It was empty – but not for long. Little by little the can filled up as folk dropped in trash, poop bags and recycling. So everyday we emptied […]

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Easy Peasy Sustainability

August 13, 2015

Want to live more sustainably? Want the easiest way? Start recycling! If you already recycle then increase what you are doing now. Philly’s doing it…follow their lead. During FY2015, Philadelphians recycled almost 120,000 tons of single stream recyclables – that’s a 140% increase over the start of the program in 2007. Recycling is good for […]

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GreenTravelogue: What is Sustainable Travel?

August 5, 2015

What’s sustainable travel? Being open to the world around you. Reducing car miles and reliance on fossil fuels. Eating healthy. Exercising De-stressing. Relaxing and smiling…a lot. Discovering something of beauty. Relaxing enough to appreciate that beauty. Staying hydrated. Discovering what it means to live like a local. Taking things in stride. Reducing waste (bring a […]

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What Does Renewable Energy Mean To You?

July 28, 2015

Burlington, VT is getting a lot of press for its announcement that it is the first U.S. city to run on 100% Renewable Electricity. I think this is great because Burlington set a sustainability goal for itself, put a plan in place and has been very successful in achieving its goals. That begs the question: […]

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Go Get Gardening

June 23, 2015

You might not think of your garden as a lively place but if you look and listen you will find there is a veritable party going on out there. The flowers brighten the view but the pollinators bring the garden to life. At first you might think this little Sphinx Moth is a bee; then […]

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