Bottled is Tap

May 31, 2013

Why do you drink bottled water? Cleaner than tap? Healthier than tap? Guess what!?! More than half of the bottled water sold today comes from MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEMS! Chances are good that the water you are drinking is just as good as the water that comes out of your tap…with a little filtering maybe. That […]

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Net Zero Energy in a Regular Development House

May 8, 2013

The Wall Street Journal ran an article on May 3, 2013 entitled “Stealthy Green Homes”. In that article they highlighted homes that are comfortable, healthy and at or near net zero energy.  All of the featured homes were new and all were specially designed to be ‘green’.   I think it would have been more stealthy […]

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Earth Day is April 22! Celebrate Consciously!

April 10, 2013

Earth Day. Let Earth Day be an inspiration for reducing your personal earth footprint by being conscious of your consumption and making a plan and an effort to conserve resources. How do you plan to honor the earth on April 22nd? First, measure your impact on the earth and create a baseline for reducing that […]

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6 Steps to Conscious Electrical Consumption

April 1, 2013

I was out my garden the other day trying to find the daffodils under the leaves when I was stopped mid-rake by a neighbor asking how we liked our solar panels. “I have always wanted to get those for my house, how do you like them?” he asked. “Love them.” I said “We haven’t had […]

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Water Day 3/22 and Earth Hour 3/23

March 21, 2013

Here is a little something that I read today for you to contemplate: When you conserve water, you save energy. When you conserve energy, you save water. We are on the eve of World Water Day and are but a day away from Earth Hour.  Follow the links below to learn more about both events […]

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Three things you can do on World Water Day – March 22nd

March 15, 2013

Next Friday, March 22nd, is World Water Day.  1. Take the day to think about the fact that 780 million people lack access to clean water. 2. Check out to see how can you help meet the crying worldwide need for: water conservation access to clean water and access to sanitation facilities 3. Contemplate […]

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Earth Hour 2013

March 5, 2013

Saturday, March 23rd at 8:30pm – wherever you are – switch off the lights for an hour in honor of the earth. Go to the Earth Hour website to learn more and join the I Will If You Will Challenge.  Be the change you want to see.

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1, 2, 3 Steps for Healthy Indoor Air

January 26, 2013

Take a deep breath.  Inhale, exhale.  How does the air in your house smell? Fresh? Clean? Stale? Musty?  Regardless of the answer, your house probably needs an infusion of fresh outdoor air.  Make a change by periodically opening the windows for some natural ventilation and by pushing back the curtains to let in the sunshine.  […]

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A Great Visual To Teach About Water Issues

January 20, 2013

Water is a scarce resource – how scarce? Check out this poster from Seametrics for a quick and easy visual of the issues at hand. Infographic by Seametrics, a manufacturer of water flow meter technology that measures and conserves water.

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Six Ways to Meet the One-Bag-A-Week Challenge

January 11, 2013

How are you doing with the One-Bag-A-Week Challenge? It is great to look in your big wheelie-bin on trash pick-up day and see one lonely bag in the bottom – this makes it lighter to roll and brings home that fact that lots of waste has been diverted from the landfill.  Congratulations if you have […]

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