Sunshine Clean – The Recipes!
Out with the chemical – in with the natural!
- Love Scent? Try these:
- Tea Tree and Eucalyptus makes a great antiseptic
- Lemon and Oranges makes a great degreaser
- Bergamot and Lemon makes a refreshing scent
- Rosemary controls mold
- Mint and Eucalyptus works against insects
- Unpleasant Odors: Open a box of baking soda and leave it in an obscure corner – it will absorb smells. Change the box every 6 weeks or so.
- To add a bit of scent – add some drops (10-20) of essential oils to the baking soda. In the bathroom add a few drops of essential oils on the toilet paper roll.
- Clean that Kitchen Drain: Pour equal parts baking soda and hot vinegar in the drain. Let foam and then rinse out.
- Make your own room spray: In a fine sprayer, mix water and 5-10 drops of your favorite
essential oils in combination or alone. Shake very well before each squirt.
- Or… Fill a clean spray bottle half full of water, add ¼ c washing soda, ¼ c white vinegar and 15 drops of tea tree and lavender essential oils. Shake well before using.
- Surfaces, sinks and baths: Make a baking soda and water paste, clean, rinse and wipe clean. For stubborn spots, pour baking soda on a sponge and scrub
- Oven Cleaner: Sprinkle water on the bottom of the oven, cover with baking soda so that the soiled surface is completely white. Sprinkle more water on top and let sit overnight. Wipe off grime. Wash up the residue with a wet cloth. OR Combine equal parts of Bon Ami with Castille Soap. Apply with a sponge, scrub, wipe clean.
- Microwave: In the microwave, bring equal parts water and vinegar to a boil in a glass bowl. Wipe clean.
- Floors: Mix 1 part white vinegar to 5 parts water with a drop or two of lavender oil or lemon juice
– gets floors clean and smelling fresh.
- Carpet Freshener: Sprinkle baking soda all over the carpet – leave for a bit – an hour or so – and then vacuum up.
- If you like a scented carpet freshener: mix up this recipe in a sealable glass jar: 1 c dried lavender, 2 c baking powder, 10 drops lavender oil and 10 drops of rose geranium oil. Sprinkle on carpet – leave for a bit – and then vacuum up.
- Toilet Bowl: Pour vinegar into the bowl, let stand overnight and brush well. For stiff stains, brush with baking soda.
- Window Cleaner: In a spray bottle, mix up:
- ¼ tsp liquid soap, 3 Tbls white vinegar and 2 cups of water
- Or 1 part water with 10 parts white vinegar
- Use just like a commercial brand
- Furniture Polish: Apply any of these with a soft cloth:
- Thin layer of mayonnaise – works great on water stains on wood!
- OR 3 parts olive oil with 1 part white vinegar
- OR 2 parts vegetable oil with 1 part lemon juice
- Rub any of these solutions into the wood until shining
- Dusting: Use microfiber dusting cloths to dust – no polish necessary – just throw them in the wash and reuse.
- Want super dooper dusting cloths? Take any old rag or microfiber duster cloths. Soak a bunch in: 1 c water, 1 c white vinegar, ¼ tsp lemongrass essential oil for an hour or so. Squeeze out, dry and roll up with some lemon peel. Store in a sealable glass jar. When used, launder and re-infuse.
- Brass & Copper Polish: Make a paste of lemon juice and salt, wipe on, rub off.
- Or smear ketchup evenly over the metal, rubbing it in. Leave it sit for a few minutes and then wipe off and rub till shiny.
- Silver Polish: Line a pan with a sheet of aluminum foil, cover with 2-3” of boiling water, add 1-2 tsp baking soda. Lay silver completely submerged in the pan for 2-3 minutes, rinse and dry.
Here is the same tray before and after its bath…made a believer out of me!!
- Clothes Washing:
- Spot/stain lifter: Mix 2 tbls cream of tartar, 2 drops of peppermint, eucalyptus or lemon essential oil with enough water to make a paste. Spread on the stain, let dry, wash. Credit: Green Goes With Everything.
- Bleach: Use concentrated hydrogen peroxide.
- Add a cup of Borax to the wash water to aid in removing stains.
- Dryer sheet: Forget the dryer sheet altogether. Use dryer balls made of rubber or wool to keep the wash soft and static free.
- Forget the dryer and use the clothes line – get better smelling clothes and they will last longer
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Thankyou. A simple organic life is so important.
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